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Thursday, January 3, 2008


Welcome to Wine Me, Dine Me-- Cincinnati's restaurant and culinary blog. I hope to keep you abreast of restaurant happenings in the Cincinnati area, keep up on cooking classes and demonstrations and other food-related events in the area. If you have any tips, suggestions, or ideas for posts, please send me an email at! I look forward to a great year exploring food in Cincinnati with you!


liberal foodie said...

Welcome aboard the blogging world! I am very happy to know other local bloggers are sharing their food stories.

Julie said...

Thanks so much! I look forward to sharing my thoughts and recipes and god knows what else!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Welcome to Wine Me, Dine Me-- Cincinnati's restaurant and culinary blog. I hope to keep you abreast of restaurant happenings in the Cincinnati area, keep up on cooking classes and demonstrations and other food-related events in the area. If you have any tips, suggestions, or ideas for posts, please send me an email at! I look forward to a great year exploring food in Cincinnati with you!


liberal foodie said...

Welcome aboard the blogging world! I am very happy to know other local bloggers are sharing their food stories.

Julie said...

Thanks so much! I look forward to sharing my thoughts and recipes and god knows what else!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Welcome to Wine Me, Dine Me-- Cincinnati's restaurant and culinary blog. I hope to keep you abreast of restaurant happenings in the Cincinnati area, keep up on cooking classes and demonstrations and other food-related events in the area. If you have any tips, suggestions, or ideas for posts, please send me an email at! I look forward to a great year exploring food in Cincinnati with you!


liberal foodie said...

Welcome aboard the blogging world! I am very happy to know other local bloggers are sharing their food stories.

Julie said...

Thanks so much! I look forward to sharing my thoughts and recipes and god knows what else!