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Friday, May 2, 2008

Shameless Plug: Hair!

While you're in Newport, perhaps checking out La Mexicana or York Street Cafe, check out Falcon Theatre's production of Hair, which opens tonight. We're sold out for tomorrow, but all of the other nights still have seats available. The show is great-- lots of fun, and a few very moving moments. And the costumes are fantastic.


Anonymous said...

Hey Julie, (Shameless Marketing Comment) is there a link or ticket info?

Julie said...

Doh!; $15 adults, $12 students/seniors/groups of 10 or more. Tonight is sold out, but there are plenty of tickets for the following two weekends. :)

Amber said...

Ok I have to ask.....I assume you are an actress as well as a freelance writer. Is that correct? I would love to come to a show and support my foodie friend!

Julie said...

Yup! I act, costume, write, and project manage. It's very productive ADD. I'm not in any shows currently (I costumed Hair) but when I am, trust me, I'll plug it here. :)

valereee said...

Bummer, I love Hair! But EVERY ONE of those days is already spoken for!

JKNEPFLE said...

There's nothing shameless about Hair! plugs. :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Shameless Plug: Hair!

While you're in Newport, perhaps checking out La Mexicana or York Street Cafe, check out Falcon Theatre's production of Hair, which opens tonight. We're sold out for tomorrow, but all of the other nights still have seats available. The show is great-- lots of fun, and a few very moving moments. And the costumes are fantastic.


Anonymous said...

Hey Julie, (Shameless Marketing Comment) is there a link or ticket info?

Julie said...

Doh!; $15 adults, $12 students/seniors/groups of 10 or more. Tonight is sold out, but there are plenty of tickets for the following two weekends. :)

Amber said...

Ok I have to ask.....I assume you are an actress as well as a freelance writer. Is that correct? I would love to come to a show and support my foodie friend!

Julie said...

Yup! I act, costume, write, and project manage. It's very productive ADD. I'm not in any shows currently (I costumed Hair) but when I am, trust me, I'll plug it here. :)

valereee said...

Bummer, I love Hair! But EVERY ONE of those days is already spoken for!

JKNEPFLE said...

There's nothing shameless about Hair! plugs. :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Shameless Plug: Hair!

While you're in Newport, perhaps checking out La Mexicana or York Street Cafe, check out Falcon Theatre's production of Hair, which opens tonight. We're sold out for tomorrow, but all of the other nights still have seats available. The show is great-- lots of fun, and a few very moving moments. And the costumes are fantastic.


Anonymous said...

Hey Julie, (Shameless Marketing Comment) is there a link or ticket info?

Julie said...

Doh!; $15 adults, $12 students/seniors/groups of 10 or more. Tonight is sold out, but there are plenty of tickets for the following two weekends. :)

Amber said...

Ok I have to ask.....I assume you are an actress as well as a freelance writer. Is that correct? I would love to come to a show and support my foodie friend!

Julie said...

Yup! I act, costume, write, and project manage. It's very productive ADD. I'm not in any shows currently (I costumed Hair) but when I am, trust me, I'll plug it here. :)

valereee said...

Bummer, I love Hair! But EVERY ONE of those days is already spoken for!

JKNEPFLE said...

There's nothing shameless about Hair! plugs. :)